Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today we are watching the Disney adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time which from what I have heard from people who have watched the preview or even the movie appear to agree that it was not very well done. For the most part, the adaptations of novels that I have watched before appeared to be fairly well done. I enjoyed the Narnia movies so far, but that may be because I had not read the novels. But the others, like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, did not really bother me either but that may also be because I read those books when I was much younger and maybe didn't fully appreciate them and the movies were supplementary to the parts of the books that I may not have fully understood.

The book itself was an okay read. Although the audience intended was more or less children, the novel itself still kept me interested. I also had to keep in mind that this novel was the first in a series so not everything that was brought up during the story was going to be answered in the end. Which nothing really was. They managed to save their father and then her brother. Besides that it appeared everything was pushed into the next book.

The end itself bugged me a little bit because well it happened over two pages. Usually a climactic ending becomes very descriptive and builds suspense, and it seemed to me that this ending was rushed.

I hope that the movie is better than what people say.

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